Music school of Hesperingen – where music connects people

Music connects people, regardless of which country they come from or which language they speak. Anyone can listen to music, anytime, anywhere. Music not only consists of text, but also rhythm, fantasy and emotions. All of this is what makes the music that connects people.

Music shapes our lives and accompanies us in a very diverse way through our daily life. The Hesperange Music School offers to all children, young people and adults the opportunity to live their passion within music, to learn an instrument or to discover their singing voice.

“Music is the language of passion”

Richard Wagner

Our teachers

Our history

Management & Secretariat

Our partners

Making music strengthens characteristics such as creativity, self-confidence and personal responsibility as well as the ability to be a team player. The success that our music school students have speaks for itself. You can rely on it: We will continue to offer you a high-quality, wide-ranging program with excellently trained teachers at the Hesperingen Music School in the future to come!

Your team from the Hesperingen Music School,
Romain Junker, cultural representative for the music school sector,
& Mayor Marc Lies