

This is where I like to be:

Conservatoire, Music School, Orchestra

That’s my favourite food:

Pizza, Pasta, Dessert

I’m very good at:

Keeping calm;
Reading from the page;
Make bad puns

I always have this with me:

My musical instruments, my cell phone.

I have collected too much:

The funniest person I know:

The funniest person I know:

I like:

Concerts, YouTube, sleeping.

My favourite colour

I have that many shoes


My favourite drink

If I had magic powers for an hour, I would:

Choose a new musical instrument, master it immediately and take the exam from the 1er Prix.

My craziest dream:

I often dream that I want to unpack my instrument before a concert, but I don’t find my things, later I hear in the background that the orchestra has already started the concert without me…